What have I done? I pushed dear hubby into pursuing his dream, now I own a comic book store! DOH!!!


Death = $$$

Ok, for those of you who think I do this for the love of comics, you might not want to read this. Because the truth of the matter is, I am doing it for my hubby. All I want is for him to do what he loves. Secondary to that, I don't want to lose my shirt doing it.
So how happy was I when I heard from hubby early yesterday afternoon that our sales totals were double our average day. Why? Apparently Captain America had been shot. Hmm, I say we start shooting up all sorts of superheroes if that's what sells.
I know, I know, people were only buying to own a piece of history. That's cool. I just hope a few of them open the book and see something they like.

My favorite comment the whole day:
I told my Dear Auntie what a great day we were having.
She asked, "Why?"
I said, "Captain America died today."
Her response, "Oh, was he old?"

Oh to go back to those days when I probably would have asked the same question!

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