What have I done? I pushed dear hubby into pursuing his dream, now I own a comic book store! DOH!!!


Our Brush with the Secret Service

Ok, so really it was just a phone call, but it was still strange to be calling them. In case you are unaware, the secret service handles investigation of counterfeit money. Yup, the SpazDog got passed a fake $20.

How stupid do we feel? As soon as we swiped it with our counterfeit pen, it turned black immediately. By that time, the thief was long gone.


Anyway, if you see a blond trailer trash type who is completely tweeked out, wearing tank top three sizes too small and dragging a scraggly looking kid, beware of the money she will give you.
It's probably fake.


Death = $$$

Ok, for those of you who think I do this for the love of comics, you might not want to read this. Because the truth of the matter is, I am doing it for my hubby. All I want is for him to do what he loves. Secondary to that, I don't want to lose my shirt doing it.
So how happy was I when I heard from hubby early yesterday afternoon that our sales totals were double our average day. Why? Apparently Captain America had been shot. Hmm, I say we start shooting up all sorts of superheroes if that's what sells.
I know, I know, people were only buying to own a piece of history. That's cool. I just hope a few of them open the book and see something they like.

My favorite comment the whole day:
I told my Dear Auntie what a great day we were having.
She asked, "Why?"
I said, "Captain America died today."
Her response, "Oh, was he old?"

Oh to go back to those days when I probably would have asked the same question!