What have I done? I pushed dear hubby into pursuing his dream, now I own a comic book store! DOH!!!


I am officially one of them...

****SPOILER ALERT***** (if you haven't read Civil War #7 and don't want to know what happened, don't read this post until you have.)

I was reading Civil War #7 the other day. (Still not one of them.)

As I was reading it, I was thinking to myself, "Hmmm, if Mr. Fantastic gets shot while he's all stretched out does it do less damage or more damage when he shrinks back down?" (Getting close to nerdom, but not quite there.)

I then turned to ask my hubby and Magic Card Dude their opinion on the matter.

DING!! DING!! DING!! --- We have a winner!! She is officially a comic book nerd.


This kid won't take a hint

Ninja Kid is back...again. Today he rummaged through Daniel's stuff to "find cool cards." Are you shitting me? I told him that I was tired of him coming in here and acting like he lived here. I told him not to touch Daniel's stuff any more.
Other than that, it's a boring day today.


New Rule at the Store

Ninja kid's mom didn't even wait to see if we would ever open the store today. The Ninja kid and friend were waiting at the door before opening. I asked how long he was planning to stay. He said, "About 4:00 o'clock or so."
Uh, I don't think so!
I layed out the new rule for them. Unattended kids can only stay 3 hours.
They were gone by 1:00PM. My babysitting days are over!