What have I done? I pushed dear hubby into pursuing his dream, now I own a comic book store! DOH!!!


Our New Permenant Fixture

For the past three weeks we have had the same Ninja Kid in our store. You know the type 12 going on 42. He knows everything there is to know about everything.
Week 1, he stayed for 4 hours.
Week 2, he stayed for 6 hours.
This is week 3 and he has been here for 2 1/2 hours. The reason for the short time frame? We opened 2 hours later than normal!
Mom drops him off with no food and $20 bucks. Last week he had starburst for lunch while we ate pizza. (I am not cruel, just don't want to be sued for giving someone else's kid food poisoning.)
When he started bullying my Dear Son into getting cheats for his Nintendo game on our cash register computer, I lost it. The friend he brought with him this week "got it" and has now been trying to get him to leave for the past 20 minutes. He has to finish his level before he can leave.
If you work for Child Proective Services, feel free to drop by any Saturday and add to your caseload.

2/27/07 ****Update**** No Ninja Kid this week. Did my powers of ultimate PMS work? Find out next week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell him to leave!!! He's not spending money in your store is he??

And I told ya.. you gotta watch those kids!

I'll be the mean librarian if ya want :)

SM aka "The Broken"