What have I done? I pushed dear hubby into pursuing his dream, now I own a comic book store! DOH!!!


My Aching Dogs

My feet hurt. I stupidly wore 2 inch heeled boots to my day job. We had our holiday party and I wanted to show folks that I don't always look like something the cat dragged in.
After 8 hours of schmoozing, I had to go to Other Cool Comic Book Owner's store to pick up some stuff that sold faster than expected in our store. We are vey lucky to know Other Cool Comic Book Owner. He and his wife are always willing to help when we make rookie errors in buying. If there is comic book heaven, they have secured their spot!
Then mother-in-law drops the bomb that we must wear all black to holiday pictures on Sunday. So after picking up comics (and reading Spiderman #534 in the car), it's off the mall to buy family clothes for pictures.
Next time I decide to wear heels, I am bringing flats for the last minute stops.

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